
We will give you a very warm welcome to the homepage of Erich and Christina Urweider



The newest Pictures in the heavy haulage gallery

(please click at the picture to see more):

Transformer transport for the Mettlen substation


Compressor transport by Emil Egger


Transformer transport for EWZ


Bridging days at Gubrist



The newest pictures at our gallerys of events

(please click at the picture to see more):

Day of open doors at Zuger Depot Technikgeschichte


1st truck meeting at Cholehof Brugg


Day of open doors at Graf DAF


Truck Event Huttwil



The newest Things on:

(please click at the picture to see more):

Our Kidstruck with manpowerengine and quickshift


Restauration of this Volvo N1017


You will find us also at facebook

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